9 - 10 October 2023


Event Location

University Hospital Erlangen
Medical lecture theatres
Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen




  • Welcome from the Bavarian State Minister for Health and Care
    Klaus Holetschek | Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care, Munich
  • Welcome address by the Vice Dean of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Prof Dr Klaus Überla | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  •  Welcome from the consortium leaders of DIFUTURE and MIRACUM
    Prof Dr Martin Boeker | Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich & Prof Dr Hans-Ulrich Prokosch | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Session 1 – International Keynotes

Session 2 – Young Researcher

Session 3 – International Keynote

Session 4 – AI and data sharing at the University of Erlangen

Session 5 – Clinical and methodological use cases of the MII

  • PM4Onco | YouTube
    Prof Dr Dr Melanie Börries | University Medical Centre Freiburg
  • CALM-QE | YouTube
    Prof Dr Harald Renz | University Hospital Giessen und Marburg
  • GeMTeX | YouTube
    Prof Dr Martin Boeker | Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich
  • PrivateAIM | YouTube
    Prof Dr Fabian Prasser | Berlin Institute of Health an der Charité – University Medicine Berlin

Session 6 – Central MII projects

Session 7 – MII and other German research data infrastructures

We can be reached here

Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Munich

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